Jul 8, 2008

The Finished Product...

Not sure if I have mentioned this yet, but I FINALLY got around to painting my boys' bedroom. I envisioned their room with ORANGE and BLUE walls. But before I could pick out paint for the walls, I had to find bedding...with ORANGE and BLUE in it. I also wanted QUILTS rather than comforters. Was I narrowing my search or what? I found several bedding items with BLUE and RED, but not BLUE and ORANGE. After shopping around, my Mom and I ran into Target. Bingo...

First, some details... this lamp, which matches the bedding, was also purchased at Target. a closer look at the quilt and sheets

These curtains were made by my mom. We bought an extra set of sheets that matched the bedding and then found a coordinating fabric. My Mom had the idea of using rope and fishing lures to add some spice. I LOVE the curtains!Their names are hanging on the wall above their beds...
And here's THE BIG PICTURE...
the green dots on the wall are from Lowe's...they are called Wall Pops.
While I am posting about home decor, here is a project that has been in the closet for way too long. I finally got around to finishing it as well... I bought the individual letters at Hobby Lobby and used scrapbooking paper and Mod Podge to cover the letters. This project doesn't have a "home" in our home yet, but when it does, I'll post. I chose the word B.L.E.S.S.E.D because our family IS BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE!

This is a "then and now" picture of the photo wall in the "office" area of our home. It is GROWING...

This plaque below is hanging in a random spot in our home, but a spot in which we see often. It is a constant reminder of something I NEED to do. The cross was purchased on clearance from Hobby Lobby and is hanging on our front porch.
I have more home decor projects in store...stay tuned for pictures!

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