Jul 9, 2008

Look what I found...

Found these letters online at Urban Outfitters...remind you of anything? Yep...kind of looks like the letters I made (shown in the post below), only my letters didn't cost $8 a piece! I probably made my letters for about &2.50 each...and I got to choose EXACTLY what I wanted. Anyway, just thought I'd post these pictures from Urban Outfitter's online gallery.

I also stumbled across this while browsing Urban Outfitters online. It is a necklace and/or jewelry holder. Anyone who knows me is aware of 1. my LOVE of BIRDS, and 2. my rather LARGE collection of jewelry. So, this would be PERFECT for me!
I also came across this pillow. It would match the colors in my bedroom as well as coordinate with the theme of my room! Might have to buy this :).

This is one of those wish list kind of post. What's on YOUR WISH LIST??

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