Feb 14, 2011

LOVE is in the air . . .

I SHOULD be running errands this morning, but I'm choosing to write this post instead!!

Saturday night Mike & I had some time without the boys (they were off enjoying SuperCross)!  We decided to seize the opportunity and go on a "date".  Now, if you know me, it is no surprise which restaurant I will choose when the ball is in my court...we enjoyed DINNER TOGETHER AT MY FAVORITE RESTAURANT...HILLSTONE (formerly known as Houston's).  When I heard Houston's had changed their name, my heart skipped a beat for fear that with the name change, there may also have been a menu change.  But, THE ORIGINAL GRILLED CHICKEN SALAD tasted as good as I had remembered...they have added jicima & corn and the dressing is a little 'lighter'...STILL MUSIC TO MY MOUTH!!!  (enough already with the salad).

*I just found the copycat recipe for this salad...my life has just changed!!!!!  (I am not advocating this as a "CLEAN" recipe.  For sure one that I will only eat on occasion.)

Back to our date...After a nice dinner, we headed over to the Galleria.  We ended up shopping for a pair of jeans for Mike...if you know my husband, you realize this is no easy feat!!  His physique (and the fact that he is a little picky, and doesn't want "gaudy" jeans) poses a real problem when it comes to finding 'that perfect pair'.  Finally, several different stores and about 15 different pairs of jeans later, he found a pair worthy of buying. 

Next up...MARBLE SLAB!!!  Yep, a LARGE SNICKER DOODLE ice cream for me and something with lots of peanut butter cups for Mike.  We found 2 comfy chairs in the middle of the Galleria, sat down, and enjoyed every last bite!!

On to VALENTINE'S DAY...I woke up to this...

I LOVED how Mike arranged it all...right down to the PAT O'BRIEN'S glass he put the rose in :)!!! 

Why the TURTLE?...I happen to have a special place in my heart for turtles...It might have something to do with the fact that they are gentle, helpless creatures and are as cute as can be!  I have been known to rescue a few from getting splattered in the road!!  This turtle has a precious rose in his mouth and even a little heart on his shell...Mike placed a KISS on his head!

The CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES...I have a story for that, too!  On our wedding night, we stayed in suite at a nice hotel.  In that suite, there were some chocolate covered strawberries that I NEVER got to taste, because someone ATE THEM ALL!!  I think he still feels bad about that!!  He's trying to redeem himself!!

I got Cade & Drew a cute little monkey that had chocolate covered animal cookies inside...the outside of the monkey read, "BANANAS FOR YOU"!  Most days I am "BANANAS FOR THEM", and then some days they just DRIVE ME BANANAS!!

I'm still working on Mike's Valentine/Wedding Anniversary gift...you will see it soon!

Thank you for blessing me with another beautiful Valentine's Day, Mike!!

Hope you all have a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!  As always, thanks for reading!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet post! Sounds like you guys had an awesome date night! ;] Loved your Valentine goodies - Happy Valentine's Day!