Jan 12, 2011


I started to include this here, but felt it should be a seperate post.

If you have read about My Transformation, you may have noticed I wrote this toward the bottom of the page:

*EDITED on 12.17.10 to say: I just began working with a personal trainer...a friend offered to pay for a few sessions, and I couldn't turn that down! I'm looking forward to LEARNING A LOT, both about nutrition and exercise! I will share soon!

It has been about 1 month since I've been working with a personal trainer, along with my husband, Mike, and a dear friend of our's, that happens to be paying for it!! I have never worked with a personal trainer, so this is new and exciting for me! I was in dire need for a CHANGE, both mentally and physically when it came to my workouts! I was sick of running and doing the Elliptical machine!  And although I LOVE Body Pump (barbell group exercise class), my body needed was screaming for CHANGE. I was simply getting bored!

I recently came across a saying that has stuck with me and makes SO MUCH sense.  It is indeed true!  How do I know it is true?  Because I have experienced it first hand!!!

The saying went something like this (not quote unquote):  The question was asked, "What works best when it comes to lifting weights?  Heavy weight/low reps or light weight/high reps?"  The answer:  "EVERYTHING WORKS, BUT NOTHING WORKS FOREVER"! 

I get the best results when I change things up!!!  Period.

So what have I changed up?  Well, we do a lot of core work with the trainer.  My, oh my, have my abs changed!  A lot of "unconventional" stuff, which I love. 

For now, I have moved away from doing the traditional 3 days/week of weights/3 days/week of cardio.  I am trying to get more "bang for my buck" by combining cardio and strength by using kettlebells.  Although my weekly workouts vary depending on what the trainer has in store for us (we see him 2-3 times/week), my goal is for my weekly workouts to look something like this:

One/Two days/week:  Heavy weights/low reps (total body)
Two days/week:  Kettlebell workouts, circuit style (combines strength and cardio)
One/Two days:  Core work & Tabata Drills
One day:  total body workout using my own body weight

This type of workout system is allowing me to do more at home, which I'm loving, because it can be done on my time, and I save time by not having to drive to the gym.

I was introduced to Tabata Drills and Kettlebells by our personal trainer!  Both are very new to me, and so far my body is responding well.  I stopped getting on the scale, as I know this is not a good indicator of success (not for my goals anyhow).  My clothes fit different, and my body composition has changed...that is what counts in my book!!  What better motivating factor than to actually SEE changes happening with your body?!?!

As for my eating changes...the same overall idea you read about on My Transformation Page.  However, I'm paying closer attention to my calorie intake, logging what I eat (makes you REAL accountable), and staying away from so much processed food!  I didn't say ALL processed food, but way more than before!  Baby steps here!

So, here's what you've been waiting for...the good information (from the real experts, not just my ramblings)!  This will give you something to chew on:

  • Learned a lot about kettlebells from Lauren's blog.  She also has a web site and can be found on YouTube, too. 
  • Read this article
  • another good article that deals w/ nutrition and exercise.
  • Simply Google or YouTube "Tabata Drills" and "Kettlebell training" for more info. 
Today, I did this workout (ideas from one of Lauren's workouts) using a 15lb. kettlebell, which I felt was TOO LIGHT:

40 SEC. WORK/20 SEC. REST  (you can do 1-5 rounds.  I did 4.)

tactile lunges
3 swings/3 push ups
jumping jacks (no kbell)
one arm swings (20 sec. each arm)
burpees (no kbell)

I may do some core work with the kettlebell later today as well.

I hope this makes sense.

What are your thoughts?  I would love to hear what has/hasn't worked for you when it comes to eating and exercise! 


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh amy!! you think i'm crazy.. holy cow you have gone off the deep end!! just kidding.. i totally wish i was there with you working out.. you r my motivator and keep me going.. i always think about you and what you say so i can improve my workouts.. now if only i can be as strict as you... anyway love ya:)

Amy Maple said...

I SO wish u were here, too!!! Not only to workout w/ me, cuz i know you would push me, but bc i miss u like crazy!! thanks for reading!!