Jan 12, 2011

Change . . .

I am in the process of making a lot of CHANGES!  Eventually, when I wrap my head around all of it, I will organize my blog accordingly. 

First, I have deactivated my photography business web site.  I am still for hire, but I was having some technical difficulties in being able to update my web site, so I just did away with it.  I will be creating a "Page" for my business soon.  In the mean time, if you're interested in a photo shoot, e-mail me or find me on Facebook and leave me message.

Another huge part of my life that is seeing a lot of change right now is my exercise and eating!  I want to create a "Page" here on my blog where I can share information about these two things, but I am hesitant because I am not an expert on either subject.  I just know that I LOVE reading blogs about what people have done/are doing when it comes to eating right and exercise.  I suppose I could find a way to share that with my readers.  We'll see what I come up with!

There is one other thing that will be changing this year, and I'd love to share that with you now, but it will have to wait!  I am NOT PREGNANT, so don't get any ideas.  I will share soon!

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