Aug 25, 2008


Today Mike , Drew, and I took Cade to his first day of Kindergarten...I was a little sad, but no tears were shed! Cade was ready...

He sat right down in his seat. Daddy put his name tag on his shirt...
and this is how we left him...
God is good! :)


Doug Reeder (aka franksnbeans) said...

Awww...he looks so cute! he is such a big boy now... did you miss him all day? I bet Drew did. Pics are great!!

Anonymous said...

You have prepared him well! Good Job!

Amy Maple said...

i didn't cry yesterday, but looking back at this post today kind of gets me teary-eyed :). Today went just as well as his 1st!

debra parker said...

these days are so hard. I promise it gets much easier.