Oct 12, 2008

I'm back...

So, I have totally neglected the blog for some time now...about a month and half. With school starting and then Ike, I just haven't made blogging a priority. I guess that is a good thing.

Anywho, we made it through the storm without any trees on our house, etc. Just lots of tree limbs to pick up. I do have some photos from after the storm, but I have misplaced my memory card that holds those images. I must admit that I really enjoyed the SLOWNESS that Ike forced us to get a small taste of...I spent so much time with Mike and the boys. No TV, no computer, hanging clothes on a clothes line, helping out neighbors, talking, laughing, etc. I am so thankful for electricity and technology, but more so, I am thankful for the REAL RELATIONSHIPS God has blessed me with...after all, that is all you have left when all the hustle and bustle of life is gone. Ike made me realize that in so many ways LIFE becomes hard to live when we are constantly bombarded w/ all this STUFF... that really doesn't matter!
*Maybe i feel this way b/c we had a generator?? So, it wasn't so bad!

So, now you see why the computer hasn't gotten much time from me lately!

Here are some pictures from BEFORE Ike.

Cade and Drew in the pool at Grann and PawPaw's...
And, not only did Cade start K, but Mr. Drew started preschool, too. Here he is in his classroom on the 1st day of school!
Hope this finds you all safe! Happy reading.

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