Jul 31, 2008

Camping @ Yogi Bear Park...

Ready or not, here they come...LOTS of pictures from our recent camping trip. This was our second summer to visit Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp and Resort in Waller, TX. It is a great place to "camp" because they have air conditioned cabins and nice bathrooms...now that's what I'm talkin' about! I am not into the whole primitive camping thing...how is that relaxing?? You can relax more in the comfort of your own home than in a tent with no A.C., no H2O, no electricity, etc. in the HEAT of July! Anyhow, that is just my own opinion. At Yogi Bear Park, there is so much to do! Take at look at us enjoying a few of them...
First, there is the pool area that resembles a mini water park...this large, yellow bucket dumps gallons of water every 10-15 mins. or so.
Here' s Jacob, my nephew, and Cade going down the red slide...

and Daddy and Drew on the green slide...

The newest attraction is this slide...it is enclosed like a tunnel and is pretty tall. Cade and Drew have just finished sliding down...

There are also regular swimming pools. Drew is having some fun in the water...

This is precious little Faith hangin' out at the pool. She belongs to some friends of ours that joined us this year, making our trip that much more FUN!

The top picture is Walker with his mommy, and my friend, Kat (also Faith's mommy)...the bottom picture is Kat and Faith chillaxin'!

Here is Miss Callie, my niece, enjoying the water, and (on the right) giving a smile with her pearly blues!

And Miss Callie again, ready for another trip to the pool...
The picture on the right features all the kiddos, along with BooBoo. The pictures on the left are of Drew playing putt-putt golf and sportin' his blue MOHAWK...

CRAFT TIME is always fun, too. Kyle, my nephew, painted a ceramic cobra. Drew chose to paint a truck. Jacob and Cade colored T-shirts...

BooBoo, Yogi's son, was greeted by Drew and Kyle as we waited in line for the HAY RIDE that we never rode...the line was too l o n g, and we were all too HOT!

Cade spent A LOT of time to play the DS...(Grandpee is in the background).

Top left: Clayton, my B-I-L (Mike's older brother), drinking a MONSTER. Maybe he is gonna drink the one sitting next to him as well...YIKES!
Bottom left: Mike doing what he does best...COOKING!
Right: Clayton and Mike being BIG, HUGE KIDS...they were being oh so friendly by splashing some strangers sitting at the bottom of the slide! It was pretty funny! And the strangers thought so, too.
*If you look close enough, you can see that they both have a tattoo on their chest. It is 3 vertical columns, connected by 2 slanted columns, to make an "M". Meaning: 3 brothers, all connected, making an "M" for "M"aple. The youngest brother, Cody (who also has this same tattoo, in the same place), was not with us on this trip and therefore, is not in the picture.
Last, but NOT least...Cade ready to go to the pool. I love these two shots!

So, if you are looking for somewhere to take the kiddos, I highly recommend Yogi Bear Park. What places can you recommend for vacationing?


Anonymous said...

Love the blog, love the family & love you! Looking forward to spending some time with you Labor Day weekend!


debra parker said...

I love the photos. It looks like you had an amazing time.

Karina said...

You look great, your blog looks great too!

Anonymous said...

Nice is a very nice family camping blog. It consist a very nice pictures. Thank you for sharing.