Jan 1, 2012

DIY Canvas

Pinterest...oh how I love thee!!!  While browsing Pinterest one day, I came across a picture that lead me HERE.  I followed the tutorial and created something I fell in love with!!

I was apprehensive about doing this project with my 12x18 prints I paid money for...and, these prints from a while ago printed out BEAUTIFULLY!! (FYI...for those in the area, I almost always use Kingwood Photo Lab for printing/enlargements!  They have never failed me...my prints always look great when printed there.)  So, I also had an 8x10 printed out to practice on. 

I bought my 12x16 canvases (I couldn't find 12x18) at Michael's...they were 40% off.  Used my already-printed photos to find scrapbooking paper that would match, both color and gender wise.  Bought Mod Podge in MATTE, sponge brushes, and had black paint and a paper cutter at home. 

The hardest part of this project was trimming down the photos.  My trimming wasn't perfect, but it was okay...the painting of the edges took care of those imperfections!  Who likes perfect anyway???  I did all 5 canvases in a couple of hours.  Love, love, love how they turned out!!

8x10 practice round

displayed on the wall in Cade's room

displayed on the wall in Drew's room
I'm sure I will be making more of these!  It's a great alternative ($ wise) to buying regularly printed canvases.  My 12x18 prints were $16.95 each, canvases were about $7 each.  Mod Podge isn't real cheap ($8.99), but goes a long way...I still have 1/2 a bottle left after doing all 5 canvases.  Scrapbooking paper is super cheap, and you only need approx one sheet. 

Happy crafting!!

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