Feb 3, 2011

Drew Celebrates turning 6 . . .

We celebrated Drew's 6th Birthday here at the house.  It was SIMPLE, but so much FUN (I'm SO OVER big, expensive parties...not that I ever had big, expensive parties, but I'm trying to get to the SIMPLE ways of life).

Anyway, If I know I'm going to blog about something, I like to roughly jot things down very soon after it takes place, so that it is fresh on my mind.  So, Sunday when I sat down to the computer, this is what flowed forth about the party day:
  • I LOVED walking through the kitchen to see the ladies sipping coffee and visiting.
  • I LOVED the fact that the kids were so busy playing, they didn't care about eating pizza! (although they ended up eating outside as they played.)
  • I'm am SO THANKFUL for a yard that lends itself well to games of FOOTBALL
  • I LOVED that we had several SWEATY BOYS that were playing so hard they kept asking for a drink.
  • I am GRATEFUL to have wonderful neighbors who offered to take us on an ARMY TRUCK ride that included MUD, water puddles, BUMPS, LAUGHTER (from adults, too), cries, smiles, and children yelling, "Let's do it somemore!"
  • I was SURPRISED by the impatient, but oh so PATIENT kiddos that couldn't wait to hit the PINATA.
  • BLIND-FOLDED kiddos trying to put the army tank on its target, and the many laughs we (even the adults) got outta that.
  • I'm THANKFUL the weather was nice enough for us to eat cupcakes OUTSIDE as Drew opened his gifts that included such boy things:  CAMO, motorcycles, CAP GUNS, monster trucks, etc.
  • It was SIMPLE, it was FUN!  It will be remembered!

This year, I decided to make cupcakes...I thought Drew's cupcake (at the top of the cupcake holder) turned out super cute. 

I put a little "Thank You" note with a picture of Drew on each party favor...

This is the "army target game" I mentioned above.  It's like "pin the tail on the donkey", only with a different theme.  Look at the SMILE on Drew's face...

all the kids got a turn...

The PINATA was a BLAST...

Singing and blowing out his candle...

Gifts GALORE....you can see Drew's outfit in the pictures below.  He requested CAMO and wore his boots with shorts, of course...SO PRECIOUS!!
All (he had such a good turn out) loaded-up and ready for the ride....notice how muddy the tires are in the bottom picture...that was AFTER the ride!!

on the ride...

Drew fell in LOVE with his cap gun.  Sunday morning as he waited for us to finish getting ready for church, I heard him in the garage singing, "JESUS LOVES ME", while shooting his cap gun, over and over again!! 
I thank the Lord for our little Drew...he keeps life interesting, that's for sure!!  He genuinely LOVES life and ALWAYS has a SMILE!! 
Thanks to all who came over to celebrate with us.  I know Drew enjoyed having all of you here!!


Nancy Carlisle said...

Amy, I love your blog and your stories of your children, Love Drew!! he is so precious!!! I know Lauren would have such a great time running around with Drew! She loves Monster trucks!!! You are an inspiration as a mother, a wife, christian and a woman!!! Miss you and your family!!!

Amy Maple said...

Nancy...wow...that is the greatest compliment I have ever received!! Thank you so much for that!! We miss you guys, too!!