Aug 23, 2010

Kinder & Second Grade...

Mike & I took BOTH our boys to their first day of school. Yes, we are now parents of a Kindergartner and a Second Grader! Since we have moved, San Jacinto Elem. is a new school for both Cade & Drew. I didn't sleep all too well the night before...I kept waking up, praying, and hoping they would both have a great day, and year. So far, they both seem very happy...Mike & I are so THANKFUL for that!

Of course it was Mike's scheduled day to be at the fire station, so he went in a little late so he could take the boys to their 1st day of school...I couldn't have done it alone!

Early to rise...Cade was a little grumpy. Drew was pretty happy.

school 1

This was precious...while I was fixing Cade's hair for school, he said "I'm glad Drew goes to my school now, I've been waiting for that." So sweet...and I'll say it again...I'm SO glad they have each other!

Here they are...all ready to go...

school 3

Off we go...San Jacinto Elementary, here we come! The picture on the right is when I had a rush of emotions...


The boys outside their classrooms...

school 5

We took Drew to his classroom first. He walked in confident and happy, sat down, and chose to play with BLUE play dough. He flattened out the play dough and proudly asked me to "feel how smooth his pancake was."

school 7

Next, we walked Cade to his classroom...AKA, Mrs. Coit's Kennel! He too, sat right down, found his crayons and started coloring.

school 6

Cade & Drew rode the bus home from school. When they got off the bus, Cade was carrying Drew's backpack, as well as his own...he's so responsible! Their conversations consisted mostly of "the bus". I think they LOVE riding the bus!!

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