Aug 21, 2010

DIY: Necklace Holder

No step-by-step instructions needed...right?

I have A LOT of necklaces. For years, I have had issues with how to store/organize my necklaces. My previous way of "organizing" them wasn't working...I couldn't even SEE what necklaces I had, and they were always getting tangled, etc.

Something had to be done, and it had to be inexpensive! My first a nail in the wall and hang each necklace on a nail...WAIT!!!...that means how many nail holes in the wall?? TOO MANY! After some youtube searching, I came across a video (that I can't find now) that gave me this SUPER CHEAP idea:

DIY: necklace holder
(This is on a wall in my closet)

Feeling a little crafty? Not CUTE enough for your taste? Make it much cuter by wrapping the clothes hanger in ribbon or yarn.

I LOVE it! It takes virtually NO TIME to find the right necklace for an outfit, I no longer have to deal with tangled necklaces, and I have no excuse for not hanging up my necklaces when I am done wearing them.

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