Jul 6, 2008


One of our neighbors graciously gave our family 4 tickets to the Astros vs. Dodgers game. 4...*the*perfect*number! Mike, Cade, Drew, and I headed out to Minute Maid Park and had the best seats in the house: right behind home plate. Cade was especially ecstatic about going...he has mentioned a lot lately that, "Daddy said he is going to take me to Minute Maid Park, Mommy." Well, Daddy did exactly that! Daddy is always making dreams come true for his boys :).
Before the game began, we dined at 9 Amigos, located in Minute Maid Park...

During the game, the boys enjoyed making a HUGE MESS while eating peanuts...

and then COTTON CANDY...we all had some...yummy!
When the kiddos started getting antsy, we took them to this huge play area...it was a little nerve-racking b/c there were so many kids, and I couldn't see the boys while they were inside the play equipment. We heard a whistle blow. A voice announced, "Everyone please exit the play equipment!" My husband said rumor had it that a child had peed while playing inside the equipment...hence the "everyone-exit-announcement." YUCK! Honestly, we were afraid it might have been Drew, and were relieved we had just taken him to the potty right before this. (If you know Drew, you will understand why Mike and I were a little concerned. We don't put anything past him :) )
And here are a few pictures taken on the way out...

Cade LOVES to have his picture taken...

We had a SUPERB time, even though the Astros lost!

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