Nov 3, 2010


This post is a tiny bit OVERDUE, but it's here nonetheless! I've been trying to include a video along with these pictures, but I can't seem to get it to, I will just stick with pictures.

Yes...UNBELIEVABLE, I know...CADE is 8!!! He continues to bless Mike and I in so many ways. I love his KIND HEART, among many other things!

Cade chose to have his party here at the house. We invited the usual crew...lots of his cousins, as well as a neighbor. He had a great turn out!

On the agenda: OUTSIDE sports games! I'm thankful the weather permitted OUTSIDE play! The kiddos stayed outside the entire time, except for singing & presents...that WAS the plan!

Now, for the pictures:

The invitation:

cade invitation erased

For the first time EVER, I made the cake! Pretty simple...a baseball!
The plate you see, is a keepsake from Cade's 4th birthday in 2006. I like to have this plate sitting out every year around the time of his birthd

cade's birthday plate

Cade opening a gift that obviously made him (Drew & Sammy) very HAPPY! I LOVE this picture because I see TRUE JOY when I look at it. As you can see from Cade's attire, he asked for a lot of TEXANS paraphernalia!

cade birthday joy

After opening gifts, we sang "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"...

cade birthday candle

and then ate cake...OUTSIDE!

cade birthday eating cake

Thank you very much for those that came to celebrate with is greatly appreciated!

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