May 31, 2010

As MAY comes to a close...

Cade not only finishes 1st grade, but his time at Greentree Elementary...Drew not only finishes another year of preschool, but his time at SBC Weekday Preschool altogether. Both of these have been EMOTIONAL transitions for me!! While it is on to NEW BEGINNINGS, it is also a time in which past events become MEMORIES...and it seems that the making of "MEMORIES" is happening all too fast!!

As Mike and I sat and watched Cade during his end-of-the-year program, I said to Mike, "Before we know it, we will be watching Cade graduate high school." That thought is SO SAD for me...I just want time to SLOW down...I don't want it to continue to FLY by. It is all the more reason to SAVOR each moment we have with those we LOVE!! Here are some shots from Cade's program and slide show:
gte program
Cade usually sings and does all the hand motions, etc. This time he did the hand motions, but barely sang...
gte slideshow
The top, right picture is MY FAVE...Cade & R have been in the same class for both K and 1st grade! They are best buddies!

On to making more memories...we went to Galveston for our annual Memorial Day family gathering!

Drew enjoys the slip-n-slide...slipnslide

as do Cade & Brock...

Beach time w/ the kids is always a must...
top: all 5 kids in the ocean...Brock, Drew, Kynslee, Blaine, & Cade
bottom: Drew trying to attempt a head stand in the hole he & Blaine dug!!

top: Kynslee & Brock playing w/ sidewalk chalk!
bottom: PawPaw takes a nap!

drew beach
k and sophie
Kynslee & Sophie
spy game
ALL the boys with Daddy/Uncle Mike, playing games on the computer.
left: Amie trying to figure out her possessed phone!
right: Blaine

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