Mar 19, 2009

2 wheels...

Drew is riding his bike WITHOUT training wheels!!!!!!! He has been anticipating this day for a couple of weeks now, and alas it's here! He'd been telling his friends and teachers at preschool that he can ride his bike with no training wheels, when in fact, that was not true...IT WAS JUST WHAT HE WANTED TO BE TRUE! So, now he can go back to school and say it with FULL CONFIDENCE!

Drew has always been a smiley little boy, but yesterday when he realized he could ride by himself, his smile said nothing less than, "This is TOTAL BLISS!" That smile just doesn't stop...he is SO proud of himself! So, now for some pictures that will surely make YOU SMILE...

This was Monday of this week. Daddy worked with him for a while, and he just wasn't confident enough to do it alone...

And here he is on Wednesday...riding all alone!!!!! Look at that SMILE... I was in the house watching the kiddos play out front, when I saw one of the girls on our street give Drew a push...and he took off! That was all she wrote! Thanks Emily!
a few more...
starting to get tired, but he is UNSTOPPABLE! I <3 href="">
Already wanting to lose the helmet...
This is what big brother Cade and cousin Jacob were doing while Drew practiced his riding skills...
Happy Spring Break!!!! We sure are HAPPY around here :)

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