Jan 13, 2009

Christmas 2008

Better late than never...I am just getting around to posting our pictures from Christmas. Our holidays were wonderful!

We celebrated Christmas Eve with the Maple side of the family, as we always do.

Here is the newest Maple...C*

And Drew getting to hold baby C*...I <3 the look on Drew's face!

The boys loved their shirts, pj's, and Vans from MiMi and GrandP!

The boys woke up Christmas morning anxious to see what Santa had brought them! Santa brought Drew a Big Wheel and this HUGE firetruck...you can see which one interested him the most...

Santa brought Cade an electric guitar and a nice set of markers along with a sketch pad...Cade spends A LOT of time drawing! Before I could take his picture, he had to set all of his gifts out just so...

We also headed over to Gran and PawPaw's for more gift opening...

Almost all of the "Braden" grand kids...minus 2...

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