Dec 13, 2008

Walking In A Winter Wonderland...

So we had some SNOW here in Houston, TX!!! Something our youngest, Drew, had never seen before and Cade, our oldest, had seen maybe once, but was too young to remember it! It was well worth getting the boys outta bed for this sight...

Drew and Cade had to TASTE the snow...
Cade had a BLAST making snowballs and throwing them at the house! Drew wasn't feeling well and just wanted to go back to that is what we did...put him back in his warm, cozy bed!

a look at the backyard...

and the front yard...
And here are a few pictures from Drew's preschool Christmas Program...
He only sang when "JINGLE BELLS" came on...
and here you see what he did the rest of the time...talked to his friend standing next to him and of course, picked his nose!

Hope you guys are having a lovely time getting ready for the holidays!

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