Nov 4, 2008

Underwear on fire...

This is funny, but could have been BAD NEWS! I was cleaning. Drew was watching TV and playing. Cade was at school. Daddy was at the fire ironic. Anyway, I kept smelling this burning smell. I walked around the house, searching, wondering, "Where is that smell coming from?" My mom came over to watch Drew so i could run an errand...i never said anything to her about the burning smell.

I return home from my errand. No one is here. My cell phone is my mom. She and the boys stopped at the park to play on their way home from getting Cade from school. I walk into the house. I see this pair of underwear laying on the table in the breakfast room. I am reminded again of the burning smell when i see the pair of underwear with burn marks on them.

I pick up the phone to call my mom:

ME: "What's the deal with the underwear?"

MY MOM: "Oh, i went in Drew's bedroom to get him a different shirt. I smelled something burning. I asked Drew what the smell was. He pointed to the lamp on his dresser. There, i found those underwear, laying on the top of the lamp shade, touching the light bulb. I told Drew how dangerous this could have been. That his house and toys could have all been burned up had he started a fire.

Drew: "Then we would call the fire dept. and Daddy could come home!"

My MOM: "But your house could have burned down before the firemen could get here."

Drew: "Then we will go live in our old house."

MY MOM: "Someone else lives in your old house now."

ME: "OMG! You've got to be kidding me! He almost set the house on fire with a pair of underwear?!!"

Only Drew would do something of this sort! UGH!!


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh.. how smart is that boy!!! thats crazy.. anyway good thing your mom found it.. ok see you tomorrow at lift..

Shelly Conn said...

That's crazy. Sound like something Levi would do. Boys...

Jezer said...

Even your shots of burnt skivvies are fantastic!

Angie Reeder sent me to your site--we're friends from high school. I'm thinking about moving my photography from hobby to part-time business, and your galleries have really inspired me.